Less Stress This New Year

Last updated on January 11, 2023

I feel that no one will argue that the modern lifestyle is stressful! In fact, it is so stressful that recent research shows that over 54% of individuals are stressed about the amount of stress they experience in their lives? Now, that’s a lot of stress!


Acute stress (or short term stress) is actually really productive and a survival mechanism by the body, certain muscles will tense up to increase strength, we become hyper aware and pupils dilate to let as much light as possible in to improve our vision. 


Typically people hold a lot of their stress and tension in their neck & shoulders. It’s well known that this is very closely linked to and can contribute to headaches, neck pain, back pain and general body aches if it is prolonged. 


Did you know that chronic stress can actually be a huge negative influencer on your overall health and wellbeing? Chronic stress can:

  • decrease your energy levels 
  • increase your likelihood of developing illness (lowering our immune systems ability to function effectively)
  • cause irritability and even depression. 


Don’t worry though, there are many ways we can look to lower your stress and boost your energy levels. One great way to do this can be through chiropractic adjustments.


Improving motion within the joints

We are designed to be up and moving around and not sedentary. Research shows that chiropractic care can dramatically improve pain, reduce nagging muscle tension as well as have an effect on stress. 


Research has also shown in relation to chiropractic adjustments a reduction in neck muscle tension bilaterally (both sides) as well as metabolic changes within the brain and skeletal muscles, reductions in subjective pain and muscle tension.

Promotes our Rest & Digest state

There is research showing that chiropractic adjustments stimulate the prefrontal cortex (front of the brain) which consequently promotes our parasympathetic nervous system as well as dampening our stress response within the body. From this, the effects of chronic stress (including the reduction of energy levels) are reduced and continue to reduce over time


  1. Get assessed by a chiropractor so you can better understand your body and the underlying cause of your energy and stress issues. 
  2. Move your body, move your joints and reduce the effects of stress on your body.
  3. Show the people in your life you care by sharing this research with them so they know more about their body. You may be able to help them have a healthier and happier life – especially this holiday season!

Suggested Reading:

  • The Reality Check – Dr. Heidi Haavik
  • SD Protocol – Dr. Wayne Todd


Science Source: Glucose Metabolic Changes in the Brain and Muscles of Patients with Nonspecific Neck Pain Treated by Spinal Manipulation Therapy, Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Volume 2017. Article ID 4345703, Central Motor Excitability Changes After Spinal Manipulation: A Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Study, Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics. Volume 25. Number 1. January 2002 

Stress in America Survey. American Psychological Association. 2010

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